Wednesday, October 10, 2012

THE ONE GREAT LIGHT“He himself was not the light; he [John] came only as a witness to the light.” John 1:8
Godly relationships are like little lights that springing from Papa, bear witness of the One Great Light! I have found that these other “lights” are fleeting when weighed in comparison to my Father’s eternal light, but still, what a blessing they are! They are like small solar lamps that have no light of their own, but rather absorb from the sun and glow with its light, for a season. These are helpful as I stumble from the car to my front door; lighting the footpath I am on, but when the sun rises, their tiny light is enveloped in the radiance of the brilliant sun. Of course these lights were never intended to take the place of the sun; they merely absorb its energy and then reflect its beauty in the darkness. They are a small reminder of the great light that is coming!
Oh how similar are the lights that other believers bring to us! Papa graces us with them to brighten our walkway when we cannot see Him shining in our life! They have no true light in themselves, but they beautifully reflect His great light and are such a rich blessing from the Father’s loving hands! They are gentle promises of the Radiance that is surely coming to us, though perhaps for now, we cannot fathom the Son illuminating our pathway when the shadows fall heavy and our path seems dim.
Each of experiences interludes of fog and haze approaching; where a light would be most welcome...yet none are found. But we can rejoice in these seasons when our passageway seems draped in obscurity, for this is only Papa’s way of drawing our attention and reliance from others, so that we may focus and rely on Him alone. In those moments we must choose to trust in our Father’s love and care; knowing that in the absence of other light, we can see His most clearly.
Occasionally, we are even asked to trek the long and winding path in seeming darkness- for a brief season...but we can take heart, for He who loves us promises to never forsake us and He vows to not leave us in the shadowy places! (John 12:46  “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” John 12:46) We are never really alone in the dark, for His love and light cover and guide us...for even when our eye cannot distinguish it, our hearts can discern it...for it is the Daystar, the bright and Morning Star; whose light will break forth and shine brighter than the noonday sun; for it is a Light that lives in our hearts! “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” II Corinthians 4:6
(Also see Revelation 22:16, II Peter 1:19)
Papa, Thank you for the light of others that you have blessed our lives with; let them serve as reminders of Your great light. Grow in us the love and light that comes from You and let it glisten brilliantly as an outward witness from within our hearts, drawing every eye to You, trusting You to light our path and theirs. Amen.


  1. God bless you for being an example of His love light to us!

    1. I definitely thought of you when I drafted this devotional. I'm very thankful for the light and love of Christ that YOU bring to my life and many others : ) Keep shining!!!


I'd love to hear what is on your heart today! What has the Father been speaking to YOU?