Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Ever been watching a highly publicized race where there is a clear favored to win individual and that person falters just near the finish line and loses the race? I have, it’s sad.

Did you know that we’ve all been running a race ourselves?  It’s called 2016. Some of us have run well and others have struggled to stay on the designated course. But either way we are all nearing the end of that race. We each have about 11 days in which to finish well.

May we capitalize on every opportunity that 2016 (and the Lord) affords us to finish well.

May we:

Love deeply without regard if it will be returned.

Forgive completely even though it costs us profoundly.

Serve wholeheartedly where there is no hope of reciprocation.

Bless those who have wounded or disappointed us.

Lavish grace and mercy on those who (like us) don’t deserve it.

Give generously and sacrificially to all that cross our paths.

Warmly embrace those who don’t look, act or think like we do.

Choose once again to think the best of our fellow man.

Pray fervently that the greatest changes will begin in us instead of assuming that others need the modification more.

Reconnect fully with those who been distanced by virtue of miles, care or opportunity.

Dare to trust that the Father we love and the God we serve is GREATER than any and every thing that is behind and of all that lies ahead. Indeed, He is the capable keeper and powerful redeemer of every burden and disappointment of 2016 and He is the singularly trustworthy One who can protect and multiply every blessing that has been gifted to us this year.

Yes, our race in 2016 is drawing to a close; only eleven short days remain, but don’t be fooled for they will be brimming with chances and choices!  May we intentionally choose to fully utilize every chance to be His good children, to bring Him honor for we have born of the One who is worthy of every moment that has passed through our hands, those remaining in 2016 and of those that lie ahead into the unknown of 2017.

I’m intending to invest the remaining days of 2016 to honor the One who has gifted me with life. I’m purposing to finish well with His help and for His glory…I hope you are too! God speed dear runners!

Rich Blessings,
Sandy Anderson

Thursday, July 14, 2016

A Warrior’s Love

A recent song by Jesus Culture; “Your Love Is Fierce” made me think about God’s extreme love this morning. Some of the lyrics include “Like a tidal wave crashing over me…Rushing in to meet me here…Your love is fierce!”

I love that! Think about how a tidal wave doesn’t wait for anything to come to it, it just sweeps in crashing over everything in its path. His love for us is like that, it overwhelms all that we are and lifts us and “up-ends” us by its depth and power and carries not only us, but every situation and circumstance facing us.

If you’ve only experienced the tender facet of God’s love that Matthew 11:29 talks about, where Jesus promises “… I am gentle and humble in heart…” then you are missing out on a bold and powerful side of who God really is. Don’t get me wrong He IS gentle and loves us with incredible tenderness, but there is also an aspect of God’s nature and love that comes in like a tidal wave crashing over us, rushing to meet us wherever we find ourselves today.

I think we get comfort from the tender quality of Jesus; along with our mistaken idea about the “predictable” side of Jesus, but don’t miss the fact that He is also a mighty warrior! I don’t know about you, but if I am facing a formidable enemy I‘m not hoping for tenderness, I’m scanning the horizon for a mighty warrior to come to my aid!  And when need be Jesus is fully that; He is a warrior that possesses no weakness, has no equal and never holds back any of the unimaginable passion He has for those He fiercely loves!

He is unpredictable and awe inspiring and honestly a little (a lot) scary. This is the Creator of the universe, the Holy One, the righteous King and the Almighty God. He has no equivalent, no rival and no peer. And if you don’t enter His holy presence with a little trepidation then you just don’t understand who you are dealing with.  He is breathtaking, splendid and fearsome all at the same time!

But remember, His warrior nature is fully for us and we are the passion of His heart and the apple of His eye. He can be loved, though not fully understood. He can be worshiped though not entirely comprehended. He can be trusted, though not fully grasped. If you feel weak today and unable to carry the burdens of life or if you are afraid of what lies ahead for you, then throw caution to the wind and step into the path of the Warrior’s love that can lift you up, carry every burden and quiet each fear. His mighty heart is for you…His all-seeing eye perceives you and His matchless love covers you, clothes you and completes you.

Close your eyes and picture standing at the shore as powerful waves crash over you…that’s like the inescapable love the Warrior God has for you.  His love is relentless, persistent and beyond human understanding…but He comes rushing to meet you where you are today!

Oh that we would lean in and let His fierce and passionate love envelop us today!

Sweet Blessings,

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Cornerstone Church Family,

Before Lee and I transitioned out of Cornerstone, I had hoped to catch each person, to look you in the eye and tell you exactly what it has meant to our lives to be a part of this family, but unfortunately we just couldn’t connect with everyone. If we missed you, please forgive us, it was not our intention!

 Although tears flowed freely that final Sunday, I was clearly reminded in your precious faces of the ultimate reason for being a shepherd: loving amazing people and hopefully equipping them to better love and become more like Jesus. I saw in your countenances the love of Christ week after week and I am so thankful that the Father planted Lee and I to walk out the first two years of my pastoral calling there…it has been our clear joy and outstanding privilege to do so!

Words fail me to fully express the depth of our gratitude for the opportunity to live life together with you - knowing and loving each of you have been some of the most precious treasures we have ever experienced! Thank you for letting us serve with you - it has been a delight and honor and we are so much better for having shared our lives with yours! While we will sorely miss seeing you on a regular basis, we know that you are in good hands with your pastoral team who watches diligently over you.

In the coming months I hope you will remember our time there affectionately, as we certainly will. Please pray for us…we are not sure what the Father has for us in this next season, but we do know that all that lies before us will be built upon the foundation of love and ministry we experienced there at Cornerstone. You will always hold an incredibly special place in our hearts and we will continue to pray for you and hopefully get to hear about some of the amazing things that God will do in and through this wonderful church family!

For any who want to stay in touch, we’d like that. You can reach me at sandy.lee.anderson@gmail.com and Lee at paul.lee.anderson@gmail.com .

I am truly thankful that although we are now separated by distance and ministry location, we all love and labor for the same Lord Jesus Christ - to Him be the glory now and forever! May the Father who passionately loves you, watch over you, guiding you into His perfect plan for each of your precious lives…ultimately bringing Him great glory and an expansion to His glorious kingdom!

This is the pastoral blessing I pray over each of you today.

Father, I come to You in the matchless name of Jesus and I lift up this precious church family to You. Lord, You fully know their every need, You see each place where they are strong and gifted and You also know every area where they need Your power and guidance the most. Bless them by always being their Good Shepherd who will release their gifts for Your glory and bind up their wounds for their restoration. 

 Father God I pray that You would confirm Your great love for them, help them to walk out each day of their life in the shadow of that unconditional love. Bless them Father not to miss a single facet of the amazing plan You have for them. Let every purpose of their lives be fully realized as they yield more and more of who they are into Your capable hands.

Finally Father, please bless them with a passionate desire to share You with those around them, for it is only as we share You with our watching world that we can fully understand our ultimate reason for being…the Great Commission.

Lord please continue to bless their pastors and leaders with wisdom and guidance to abundantly care for this flock who is both a passion for You and a priceless gift from You and remind the flock to faithfully intercede for the shepherds who lovingly watch over them. May all be done in Your time and for Your glory. Amen

Much Love and Prayers,
Pastor Sandy and Lee Anderson

Note: For my readers who are not from my Cornerstone church family, my husband and I recently transitioned out of this amazing church but were not able to catch everyone our last Sunday there, so I am using this space to speak to them and share a final blessing. Thank you for your understanding and for your prayers for this next season of ministry! ~Sandy