Thursday, November 29, 2012

Restoration and Reflection

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” II Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)

I saw a billboard recently that was mangled by the wind and flying trees from a devastating storm. I shook my head in amazement at the destruction that was evident and I thanked God once again that our home was spared. As I continued on my way Papa began to speak to my heart. He reminded me that people’s lives were a little bit like that billboard; for what was originally created to bring awareness of its sponsor, now lay in ruins, crushed by unforeseen circumstances; a testament of the devastation it had endured through circumstances beyond its control.

A billboard is deliberately designed for a three-fold purpose: to draw the eye for interest, to attract attention to a message and to ultimately influence a specific reaction. Similar to this billboard our lives too were intentionally created by God’s loving design for a purpose; to experience a loving relationship with Papa God and then to reflect an accurate picture of who He is to the rest of the world. Our grace-filled lives are meant to draw the eye for interest to our Creator! Our faith-walk is intended to ultimately influence others to check out the God we love.

A billboard’s reason for being is never for itself; it exists for the benefit of another, so we too were created for Another and thus our true meaning can only be found in Him. We were brought into existence to convey honor and glory to the One who died for us.

How do we do that?
Our life reflects who He is when we obey His commands and love Him first and others second. When people watch our lives unfold they should be viewing His message and not ours. Just like the blank billboard has little to offer its sponsor on its own merit, so we too find our worth in being a reflection of our Savior. We have no light of our own, but as believers we can function as an excellent source of reflection.

Sounds easy enough, but then the daily grind of life happens and a precious one who was created to bring glory to their Creator can get crushed by the unforeseen circumstances that are beyond their control.

Then what?
What will happen to the mangled billboard? You and I both know the answer; eventually the city crew will dispose of it because it has outlived its usefulness.

But what about us?
Remember I said earlier that we were similar to a billboard, but not identical and this is where the similarity ends. People, no matter what destruction they have experienced are ALWAYS worth the restoration process! As His precious sons and daughters, Papa sees our potential through His eyes of love. He fixes the broken pieces, replaces the missing parts and eventually, if we stand still as He works out the kinks, we are made new and brightly reflect His glory.

What if your life feels like that crushed sign?
The good news is that Papa is in the restoration business! He has a plan and timetable for every renovation. Be patient and know that every moment is a hands-on event, i.e. His hands are ALWAYS on you.  But even in the midst of the devastation and destruction we can still reflect who He is. While we are waiting to become all He’s created us to be, we can glorify His holy name. Don’t believe me? Think about it...have you ever had something catch your eye on a sunny day and you realize it’s just a shard of broken glass or even a bit of shiny trash? Somehow it’s enough to reflect the sun and no matter where we are in the renewal process, we too can shimmer by reflecting the Son to this darkened world, because all the broken pieces of our lives serve as a glistening mosaic of praise when lifted up to our King!  

Let’s pray.

Papa, how we long to bring You honor, but at times our lives feel crushed by unforeseen circumstances that are beyond our control. Please come and begin the restoration process in us so that we can reflect the goodness of who You are to our lost and dying world. Amen

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