Thursday, July 14, 2016

A Warrior’s Love

A recent song by Jesus Culture; “Your Love Is Fierce” made me think about God’s extreme love this morning. Some of the lyrics include “Like a tidal wave crashing over me…Rushing in to meet me here…Your love is fierce!”

I love that! Think about how a tidal wave doesn’t wait for anything to come to it, it just sweeps in crashing over everything in its path. His love for us is like that, it overwhelms all that we are and lifts us and “up-ends” us by its depth and power and carries not only us, but every situation and circumstance facing us.

If you’ve only experienced the tender facet of God’s love that Matthew 11:29 talks about, where Jesus promises “… I am gentle and humble in heart…” then you are missing out on a bold and powerful side of who God really is. Don’t get me wrong He IS gentle and loves us with incredible tenderness, but there is also an aspect of God’s nature and love that comes in like a tidal wave crashing over us, rushing to meet us wherever we find ourselves today.

I think we get comfort from the tender quality of Jesus; along with our mistaken idea about the “predictable” side of Jesus, but don’t miss the fact that He is also a mighty warrior! I don’t know about you, but if I am facing a formidable enemy I‘m not hoping for tenderness, I’m scanning the horizon for a mighty warrior to come to my aid!  And when need be Jesus is fully that; He is a warrior that possesses no weakness, has no equal and never holds back any of the unimaginable passion He has for those He fiercely loves!

He is unpredictable and awe inspiring and honestly a little (a lot) scary. This is the Creator of the universe, the Holy One, the righteous King and the Almighty God. He has no equivalent, no rival and no peer. And if you don’t enter His holy presence with a little trepidation then you just don’t understand who you are dealing with.  He is breathtaking, splendid and fearsome all at the same time!

But remember, His warrior nature is fully for us and we are the passion of His heart and the apple of His eye. He can be loved, though not fully understood. He can be worshiped though not entirely comprehended. He can be trusted, though not fully grasped. If you feel weak today and unable to carry the burdens of life or if you are afraid of what lies ahead for you, then throw caution to the wind and step into the path of the Warrior’s love that can lift you up, carry every burden and quiet each fear. His mighty heart is for you…His all-seeing eye perceives you and His matchless love covers you, clothes you and completes you.

Close your eyes and picture standing at the shore as powerful waves crash over you…that’s like the inescapable love the Warrior God has for you.  His love is relentless, persistent and beyond human understanding…but He comes rushing to meet you where you are today!

Oh that we would lean in and let His fierce and passionate love envelop us today!

Sweet Blessings,